Siirry sisältöön

Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) in Private Service Sector, Basic Course

Date 01.10.2024 - 03.10.2024
Event form Online
Duration 3 days
Time for registration Register until 16.09.2024 23:55
Price 450,00 € + 24 % VAT, total 558,00 €
See priceinformation at the end of the page
Language English
Sectors Private-service-sector


By this basic training we at the Centre for Occupational Safety want to give you the tools for efficient occupational health and safety work.
The training will be carried out in three days including webinars and e-learning tasks. Please note that webinars are not recorded.
Day 1: Occupational health and safety (OHS) at workplace
Day 2: Healthy and safe work and working environment
Day 3: Well-being at work


The vision of occupational health and safety (OHS) work is to promote well-being and safety in workplaces. It aims to prevent illnesses and accidents resulting from work. In practice, occupational health and safety work refers to the measures that are taken to ensure that the work environment is safe and the employees are feeling well. Well-being at work makes work more fluent and productive.
The main goal of the course is to support safety representatives, managers, supervisors and other OHS actors by giving them basic information related to OHS legislation, cooperation, recommendations and best practices.
The participant
  • gets basic information about OHS and understands his/her role and task
  • understands the meaning of OHS as part of the different functions of the organisation
  • knows and understands the main content, meaning, roles and tasks related and the OHS legislation
  • knows and understands the meaning and importance of prevention and management of OHS risks
  • gets knowhow and competence to be able to cooperate with other OHS actors
  • gets support for continuous improvement and learning.

Target group

Safety representatives, managers, supervisors and other OHS actors (in the private service sector)

The Programme
8.30 The webinar starts
11.00- 13.30 Lunch break and independent tasks
16.00 The webinar ends 
Day 1: 1.10.
  • Introduction to occupational health and safety
  • Safety management
  • Organising OHS co-operation
  • Occupational health care services, workability promotion and support
Day 2: 2.10.
  • Risk management, guidance and introduction
  • Safe, healthy and functional work and working environment
  • Ergonomics and physical workload
Day 3: 3.10.
  • Stress and time management
  • Good working community spirit, conflict solving
  • Harassment and inappropriate behaviour at workplace
  • Remote and hybrid work
  • Well-being at work
  • Feedback and discussion

Rauramo Päivi


450,00 € + 24 % VAT, total 558,00 €
See priceinformation at the end of the page

More information
Employers with fewer than 50 employees will receive a 20 % discount on the participation fee.

Terms of cancellation
Registration is binding. You can cancel without charge at the latest 15 days before the training starts. 50 % of the training fee will be charged for cancellations received after that date. If we are not notified of absences at least 7 days before the training starts, the entire fee will be charged. Participant can be changed without extra costs. Please inform the training coordinator about the change, before the training.

Contact information

Kellosalo Jutta



Rauramo Päivi


040 5470908

työsuojelun yhteistoiminta työsuojelupäällikkö työsuojeluvaltuutettu työturvallisuus työympäristö

Contact information

Kellosalo Jutta



Rauramo Päivi


040 5470908