Diversity, equality and non-discrimination in the work community
The focus is particularly on the obligations under the Act on Equality between Women and Men and the Non-Discrimination Act. The publication also presents good practices and procedures. Workplaces are encouraged to adopt these. The publication is aimed at the management, supervisors, occupational safety and health personnel, shop stewards and people engaged in HR development.

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- Published by:
- The Centre for Occupational Safety, Service Group
- Content:
- Working group: Tuula Haavasoja, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL; Pirkko Janas, Office of the Ombudsman for Equality; Tanja Lehtoranta, Trade Union Pro; Seija Moilanen, Centre for Occupational Safety; Kirsi Mäkinen, Apteekkien työnantajaliitto; Merja Vihersalo, Service Union United PAM; Kirsi Yli-Kaitala, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
- Release year:
- 2023
- ISBN (pdf):
- 978-951-810-890-3
- Sectors:
- Cross-cutting topics
- Formats:
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