The supervisors’ responsibility in occupational health and safety work
In practice, the employer enacts their responsibilities and obligations by delegating their authority to the supervisors in the line organization. The supervisors’ responsibility in occupational health and safety work is determined by the powers related to their tasks and responsibilities.
Clearly defining the occupational safety responsibilities included within the supervisors’ job descriptions and powers helps avoid dangerous situations caused by the ambiguity of the work tasks. Occupational safety responsibilities related to work tasks should be recorded in the occupational safety and health policy.
Occupational safety and health responsibility roles
Senior management
- procedures concerning the implementation and development of occupational health and safety and its monitoring
- securing and confirming operational preconditions
- selecting competent supervisors
Middle management
- preparing instructions
- purchasing machines, equipment and tools
- monitoring and supervision of working conditions and the work environment
Work management
- monitoring the condition of machines, equipment and tools
- work guidance
- monitoring that safe working practices and instructions are complied with