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The Centre for Occupational Safety

Matters within the scope of occupational safety cooperation

Occupational safety cooperation deals with matters and measures concerning the safety, health and working capacity of employees and the monitoring of their effects and implementation.

The issues to be handled in cooperation between the employer and employees include:

The above matters must be dealt with in due time considering the objectives of the cooperation, taking account of the timetable for their preparation and implementation. Issues related to the implementation of occupational health care and the objectives of the occupational safety and health action programme must also be dealt with in the cooperation.

Handling of occupational health and safety cooperation issues

Immediate cooperation

Issues concerning individual employees or employee groups are handled between the employee in question and their supervisor. The occupational safety representative may take part in the proceedings:

Handling of the matter in the occupational safety committee

Occupational health and safety cooperation issues concerning a broad category of employees or the workplace in general are handled in the occupational safety committee or in a similar cooperative body.

Members of the occupational safety committee have the right to make proposals to the occupational safety committee about the issues that are being handled.

If the workplace does not have an occupational safety committee, matters that should be handled by the committee are handled with the employer and the occupational safety representative. If the workplace does not have an occupational safety representative, the matters are handled together with the employees.